Monday, December 7, 2009

self discovery

its difficult actually to remain happy , calm and contented all the time. something is always bound to happen everytime. for example to maintain your ideal weight is a life time challenge. once in a while when you are off guard, you get free kilos hehehe memang padan muka. but when you least expect it, you easily shake off a few kilos but then you get alarmed, pulak/? kelakar. so now i know how to enjoy shaking off those kilos yet stuffing myself? nak tau ke gimana? it'll be a pleasure to share it with you one of these days.

today i feel like doing the laundry ( specifically ironing) vacuuming and mopping. stress on the word "feel like". Maybe the menu for today is fried fish and acar timun, that is if i have a strong will power to do so. if not, whatever is easy and fast as usual lah.

feel like giving a good intro for continuous writing pulak.        I thought the label looked and sounded familiar. Of course, it is the latest craze this year. Laughter, the much sought after brand for teenage accessories. not a catchy name at all but it is a sold out everytime a new stock of the product is out in the market.

Friday, December 4, 2009

free tips yeah

50 but not 50

eat kampung manggoes everytime u can get ur hands on it. ripe ones works wonders. what do u xpect, they come in sour so better get them ripe. eat early in the morning of course, stomach ache? nope never coz i'm still here to blog with u. dont know abt u . may be i'm different. dats y 50 dont look 50.

savour the gulai lemak cili api if ever u see the dish. one condition though. its cooked by professional negeri sembilan kampung folks. pedas? if it doesnt kill u, it definitely will work wonders. why??????? tell u all abt it next time, got cha!


its only the beginning, so?

Dont start coz its addictive. hurei with d soft launch. what do u think? at 50. Not too late yet i think.


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