Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's my 53rd birthday.

Actually, i was really glad my birthday  fell on a sunday. i thought i could escape it being celebrated in school by my numerous students. But alas, the kids nowadays are very smart indeed, quite proactive i might say so myself. They had it planned to celebrate my birthday , which i had not expected. Memang lah budak-budak 4 ehsan,,,,,,,,buat macam-macam helah so that i enter the class during recess. What if i mc that day.....macam mana mereka nak serahkan kek tu ek....hmmmm. tapi saya tak mc, patutnye ambil mc. nak buat aper ambil mc. sebenarnye kadang-kadang rase amat penat sebab banyaknye kerja laaa ni. Badminton tournament x selesai lagi, budak2 tu sibuk n merengek2 setiap kali bila nak main...adoiii yaiii. fening kefala. lagi pulak dah mula latihan utk rumah sukan.......macamlah budak2 tu suma nak datang buat latihan utk rumah. cikgu dtg 4 n d kids dtg x sampaipon 25....ok ker tu...ok jer lerrr. well to add to dat, ketas peksa blom siap bungkus lagi....tak per, kerani di rumah ramai bole bantu ahem ahem. What about the exercise books to be marked....wadush wadush mmg x sanggup . bagi kerja tapi buku yg dah dikumpul x siap tanda lagi kah3...mmg ketawa besar. pastu budak2 ni cakap buku dia hilang...pelik pegi mane ek....toyol da x curi duit ker,,sekarang da curi buku exercise budak2 nin pulak, x masuk akal betul..Tambah berganda-ganda  fening!!!
      berbalik kpd cerita sambut befday tadi. Omirul pon jadi alasan tambah dgn ustazah nabilah sekali memainkan peranan utk dapatkan saya masuk ke kelas. Sebenarnye saya malulah bila sambut-sambut befday ni tapi dek kesian ngan budak2 yg da berusaha utk adakan sambutan itu, saya turutkan lah jugak. Thank you mursyid for the lonnnng prayers. Amin.Zul fikri yg pi belikan kek ye? tq jugak. sapa yg kutip duit, pon trima kasih gak. tq to luvly bella for menatang kek itu dgn berhati-hati, hehehe ada bakat....Nak pendekkan cerita, saya takut kalu2 nnti ade lg yg nak sambut belated befday pulak......ape strategy saya nak mengelakkan diri ek, Anyway you kids are mischevous n knivingly clever to come up with that berthday plan, tqvm to all my 4 ehsan students.....Hohoho cerita banyak keje sebenarnye blom abis lg...ade banyak cerita nak share tp x de mase lah...adios till my next entry..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Too busy to even visit my blog

So many many things had happened the last time I was here. I just can't find find the time nor squeeze myself between any of my chores to write. Pathetic isn't it.Well that's a reality all of us have to face.Actually there's many a times I want to leave my remarks but alas......

To start with, sports over so yeayyyyy. Canteen day also over....another BIG yeay and yahoo, Thank God.  wheew. THe charity dinner also oredi over. hah thats a great relief too.yehaa.

HEI ThE ORAL FOR form three is also done. Seriously, that pentaksir kawasan was a really strict lady. Wow how stingy can you get with marks? I thought the students were quite ok but she gave them so little marks. Kedekut habis.

Guess what ? I took a whole tupperware of durian to school this week. Weh, ramai org mmg suka makan durian ekkk. Diaorang memang makan dengan semangat sekali. best pulak tengok org makan sambil menjilat-jilat jari. They really appreciate the durians. Bebudak kat rumah nih kurang sket ngan durian...agaknya lah....

This week jugak dah pi ambil baju raya dah siap tempah. Terkebil kebil jugaklah bila tebal duit yg bertukar tangan. Adussssh tp pejam mmata je.......suka sbb baju dah siap

At the school canteen , dah melambak org letak sample kuih utk order raya. At the staffroom too, there are numerous  samples too. tak order pun tp best and kenyang rase sample. Bila lapar pergi ambil kuih , beberapa keping pulak tu dan masih tak order hahaha. Ramai aje cikgu yang buat gitu,,,,,tak kisah pon..

You know sometimes I feel so tired and worn out going to school and back from school. Somebody has got to change the system so that teachers like me dont feel bored and fed up with teaching. I have been in the system too long to tolerate this injustice - too many students in one class and too many periods in a day ANDDDDD holding too many posts. There you are. Ive said it in one breadth. Bravo.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Too old to be excited and nervous about school reopening next Monday

Today is already the 28th of  December. Well. well what do you know, in 5 more days I'll be back in school for my 30th year in this profession.Still an English teacher and i still feel great about that too.Another year added means I'll be 52 years old kah. kah. kah....Nothing funny but I have yet to feel my age.....not yet i guess.

Come to think of it, do i want to change my style or just maintain IT? ......hmmmmm what does IT means.....Still the colourfull funky shoes..........gee whiz i have not finalise my first impression this new year.

One thing I'm very sure of.......I'm not a class teacher. God must've answered my prayers. God is great. Mind you for 3 consecutive years l have to handle the same level of class and were they a handful......I have to emphasize something, teaching is my passion, next baking, next some other thing kah kah.... So that leaves me still being the boss for the prefects. YES I have my works cut out for me well and good.. Its just that I still do not know the classes that i will be teaching....tomorrow kot baru tau  and then the spontaneous reaction would be...lagi best tak tau.

Hei what about my style.....or better still, shall I adopt a low profile that suitable.....pening, pening pening......I really am still blurrrr on this predicament ...konon jer tu. sebenar dah plan sesuatu kah kah kah.....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

dah mula masak n bagi markah

Saya suka makanan yg sedap. Saya amat suka makanan yg sedap. tapi susah nak dapat n jumpa. Sometimes it is expensive, Sometimes we dont get the opportunity to get it. most of the time i dont go to places that serve all these delicious flavours.  Sedihkan.
Masalah yg dihadapi ialah nak makan tp mood masak berangin. Sekejapje rasa rajin, pastu mood malas menjadi-jadi. kadang2 adejer benda yg tak ade n mencukupi. Guess what, these are all lame excuses not to cook yes?..Finally I have started to cook my 1st dish.
MARKAH: 90/100
komen: memang sedap ha3. *****

Sebenarnye resepi ni mmg saya da target. bila dpt buat rase teruja sgt. Tq to pn hanieliza.
x pandai nk masukkan gambar. Next time saya akan cubanbagi komen yg lebih detail tentang penilaian saya, In saya buat suka2 jer. Maybe anak saya boleh ambil suma resepi yg saya dah cuba n nilai. dia pulak bole kumpul n cuba.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Memasak memang memerlukan kekuatan

Okay, now i know. I need to find and get all my energy and power reserve to start cooking. Rasanye baking senang sikit. Cooking ala-ala top chef ni memang getir. 
skop untuk masak (SGT PENTING)
1. bahan2 x leh lebih drpd 10.
2. bahan mesti mudah didapati....mana2 kedai bole dpt or jumpa
3. boleh beli bahan dalam amaun yg sedikit.
4. bahan yg berlebih boleh digunakan untuk makan atau digunakan dlm masakan hari-hari yg lain
5.bukan bahan yg pelik dan x reti nk sebut pon
6. bukan bahan yg mahal dan sikit pulak tu.
7.bukan bahan yg mudah rosak kalo tetiba x jd nk wat
8. resepi mesti boleh jd walaupon silap langkah ataupon bahan x cukup
9. proses masak x rumit 
10. sedap giler

ok  so markah 100.

Jadi setelah resepi dipilih, TOP CHEH akan memulakan kerjanya. 

Selamat maju jaya kpd resepi yg terpilih kelak. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

share recipies....anyone???

HISH TAK TAU LA, TP KINI MEMANG OBSES NK MEMASAK DAN MEnerai membuat kek atau ape ape kuih. Ade sesiapa kah di luar sana bole tolong carikan resepi yg telah dicuba n gerenti sedap dan jadi????? x nak lah bahannye yg pelik2 ok....x nklah yg susah n remeh nk dibuat ok! resepi dari dalam  atau luar negeri pon boleh. Yg turun temurun dan dari datuk n nenek pon boleh. Apabila saya dah buat, saya kan beri markah kepada masakan itu. Saya ni cheh ...yeah bukan TOP CHEF.  So apa tunggu lagi....pasing lah mana2 resepi yg boleh saya cuba.......cepat sebelom minat saya tukar kepada menjahit pulak....


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