So many many things had happened the last time I was here. I just can't find find the time nor squeeze myself between any of my chores to write. Pathetic isn't it.Well that's a reality all of us have to face.Actually there's many a times I want to leave my remarks but alas......
To start with, sports over so yeayyyyy. Canteen day also over....another BIG yeay and yahoo, Thank God. wheew. THe charity dinner also oredi over. hah thats a great relief too.yehaa.
HEI ThE ORAL FOR form three is also done. Seriously, that pentaksir kawasan was a really strict lady. Wow how stingy can you get with marks? I thought the students were quite ok but she gave them so little marks. Kedekut habis.
Guess what ? I took a whole tupperware of durian to school this week. Weh, ramai org mmg suka makan durian ekkk. Diaorang memang makan dengan semangat sekali. best pulak tengok org makan sambil menjilat-jilat jari. They really appreciate the durians. Bebudak kat rumah nih kurang sket ngan durian...agaknya lah....
This week jugak dah pi ambil baju raya dah siap tempah. Terkebil kebil jugaklah bila tebal duit yg bertukar tangan. Adussssh tp pejam mmata je.......suka sbb baju dah siap
At the school canteen , dah melambak org letak sample kuih utk order raya. At the staffroom too, there are numerous samples too. tak order pun tp best and kenyang rase sample. Bila lapar pergi ambil kuih , beberapa keping pulak tu dan masih tak order hahaha. Ramai aje cikgu yang buat gitu,,,,,tak kisah pon..
You know sometimes I feel so tired and worn out going to school and back from school. Somebody has got to change the system so that teachers like me dont feel bored and fed up with teaching. I have been in the system too long to tolerate this injustice - too many students in one class and too many periods in a day ANDDDDD holding too many posts. There you are. Ive said it in one breadth. Bravo.
10 years ago
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