Thursday, May 27, 2010


Wah, it has been nearly a month since I last up dated my blog. On my bday I had really wanted to jot down something but alas, time does not permit. What a joke, I did start to scribble something but I was interrupted therefore I stopped. The next thing I know, I just couldn't find my notes. Ha3 something weird had happened actually. I had actually trespassed into my daughter's blog by mistake. Of course she did not log out......soooo I just typed innocently thinking it was my blog.... The rest you will know what happened when you read my daughter's entry, kih3 klakar.

These last few days I had undergone quite a hectic life. What with the exam coming for the form threes n form fours , you have to make sure they know everything allready so that they can answer the questions when the time comes. You know what, trying to make students understand is no easy job. There you are thinking out ways n methods so that things make sense to them, some of these kids do not appreciate it at all. So a few days before exam, cikgu ni dah meletup and mengamuk. Ape taknye, sakit tekak kita mengulang-ulang benda yang sama, ape yang dia kisahnyer... Hish, sabar ajer... Actually, i do not give up on the kids, I am quite tough too knowing my age, but they do get on your nerves sometimes, or many, many TIMES....more than I can say lah.

So that day when I merajuk nak mengajo kelas tu, dia faham lak tu. Menggelegak hati rase macam nak menjerit and marah-marah tapi....


Ken Wooi said...

yeah time really flies, very fast =/

anemsheart said...

you bet. once lost never found.

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